- Writing paper: some blank and some rules to guide the placement of letters (See sheets at the end of the write-up).
- One paper size provides for one line of writing, others have two lines, three lines, four lines, or five lines.
- A full sheet with one ruled line at the bottom and another with two ruled lines at the bottom are also included for use with pictures.
- Magazine pictures of single items (hat, bed, lamp) in a box and of scenes of and people (farm party, parade) in another box.
- Lead pencils
- Items needed to make booklet, such as paper covers, scissors, hole punch, colored yard, and crayons.
- Trays for assembling writing supplies and/or art supplies.
- Invite one child to come and work with you.
- Introduce the child to the paper supply.
- Show the child the paper with one line.
- Take two to three pieces of paper on the tray and a lead pencil.
- Have the child bring the tray to the table.
- Conversationally look and comment on the fact that the paper looks like the blackboard with lines.
- Tell the child that you will show him how we write on paper.
- Write one letter. Have the child look at the letter and ask if he knows the sound.
- Then ask if the child remembers the letters name.
- Have the child write the letter across the line.
- See how the child holds the pencil and correct if needed.
- If the child wants another letter, you write the first one at the beginning of the line and have the child write that letter.
- If the child tires and doesn’t finish the first line, he can place it in his storage place and continue at a different time.
- Child can work with writing for as long as he would like.
- Once done, the child can put his writing in his storage place.
- Show the child how to put the material away.
The child writes single letters as shown in the presentation.
When the child is comfortable writing single letters, show the child how to write a word. With the modified script, the letters will be evenly spaced and separated. In the cursive writing, the letters will be connected. It is a good idea to start with a fairly short word or three to four letters. Then let the child move to any word once he is ready.
When the child is able to write words with ease, introduce the paper where the child can draw a picture and then label it.
As the child is ready, you can encourage the writing of phrases with the paper that has two lines.
When the child is ready, show him how to write a sentence on the paper with three lines. Move on to the paper with four or five lines if the child is writing a lot. At this stage, the child will be writing stories.
The child can then write a poem and illustrate it as well. This can be done through transcription.
To give the child ideas for writing practice.
To encourage story writing (creative expression)
Child growing facility in handwriting and ability to evaluate it.
Development of the child’s creative expression.
4 1/2 - 5 years
The child can practice writing using all of the reading materials. There will be labels, there are lists, there will be booklets, and there will be stories. The procedure is for the child to read the material, turn it over, write it, and then use the reading material as a control of error.
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